Richard, Watson, et all

Wrapping up my BSC essays, I thought it was only fair to mention some of the supporting actors who've really done an amazing job. 

Marc Evan Jackson as Richard has been the surprise hit of the series for me. I think his character updates have been some of the best in the whole show. Richard in the books felt a bit...much. He was over the top in just about every way and it never quite made sense way he and Sharon were attracted to each other. (Yes, they were high school sweethearts, but why?) In the show, he comes off real and relatable. Still uptight, but much more believable. I also loved the bond he formed with Dawn about preferring things neat and orderly and the importance of letting go. I absolutely loved Richard in this series and hope they'll eventually follow the Richard and Sharon story line. 

Watson is another character from the books whom I never really liked. I appreciated that it was hard to meld his and Elizabeth's families but...I don't know he never really jumped off the page to me.  In the series, Mark Feuersteon brings Watson to life. He's shown as the kind father and stepfather, the sweet husband, the successful millionaire who wants to make his family happy. He's present and helpful and he comes across so much better. I especially love when *SPOILER* he announced that he wanted to adopt Kristy and her siblings. 

Logan is played by Rian McCririck. Of the three actors who have played Logan, this one is my favorite. Logan in the books was sometimes the best boyfriend ever and sometimes this annoying control freak. He was, kind of unfortunately, relatable. In the first show and the movie, they largely took away his jock side and just made him into this dull, kind of simple, character. In the Netflix series they did away with the jock thing and he's become more of a 21st century kid, who's always kind to and mindful of, Mary-Anne. 

Elizabeth is played by Alicia Silverstone and she's certainly added a lot to Elizabeth. In the books, Elizabeth was just sort of...there. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't know if we ever got an explanation as to what her job was? She was the mother to Kristy and her siblings and...? In the show we see her do real estate, interact with her kids, plan the wedding with Watson, and seem real. 

*SPOILER* What's interesting to me is that they've left out Emily Michelle. I wonder if that's something they've done away with since they already have lots of child actors or if they're saving it for later? 

Overall, this lifelong BSC fan is overjoyed with the new series- both seasons. My only complaint is there aren't enough episodes. I would easily watch 20+ episodes each season because everything is so well done. Congrats to the writers and actors for bringing a beloved series sonsuccessfully into the 21st century.


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