
Anais Lee plays Jessi and she is incredibly talented, absolutely shining in her role. She does a great job bringing the 11 year old, practically professional ballerina, to life. 

Jessi in the books, like a lot of the other characters, sometimes came off way too mature and accomplished for her age. The show and the actress both humanize Jessi very well and make her believable. 

This season we finally met Jessi's family and they too come off much more believable in the show. Aunt Ceceilia was left out and honestly, I think it's for the best. In the books all she did was take out her frustrations on the Jessi and her siblings, with Jessi and Becca getting the worst of it and 99% of the time they didn't deserve it.

Interestingly, *SPOILER* they kept the Jessi and Derek Masters plot line. Derek has been updated to be an internet star and momentarily, Jessi wants to join him, or at least try. 

Side note, Jessi very briefly tries to join Derek in his endeavors and her mom calls her out on it, saying (I'm paraphrasing) "you only want to give up on ballet because for the first time something didn't go right for you." As a loser/rejected writer, I felt that. Except, well, nothings ever gone right for me, ever. All my rejections and ignores are hardly the first of their kinds!

Anyway, as per usual, I love all the Jessi changes and updates.

Up next, the other characters and the final BSC essay. 


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