Turkey Vulture

I took the kids to the farm, where we happened upon a turkey vulture enclosure. I got very excited, as my poet-aunt loves vultures and seems to have a special connection with them. One of the many highlights from my visit with her a couple years back was when she read me her vulture poem-  as we stood in front of it, beautifully framed on her wall. 

When we saw the turkey vulture today, his back was towards us and he sort of did an over the shoulder look, and appeared very unamused. Then, he stretched his wings. 

To say I was unprepared for his wingspan is a gross understatement. This bird was about two feet tall and his massive black wings spread about six feet wide. The kids and I stood in awe, none of us had seen something like this so up close. The children yelled out,

     "He's huge!" I only nodded in agreement as I tried to grab a picture.

I kept thinking about the Turkey Vulture all day, and when I got home I started to Google. I read a few articles and came across a fascinating piece of information- when a turkey vulture- adult or baby- feels threatened, it will throw up on whatever is bothering it. Not shockingly, this is very effective manor of protection.

Reading up on the bird who surprised us today (in that this farm has never had one before) further proved entertaining when I came across what a turkey vulture means, symbolically. It serves to remin us to believe in our ability to survive and overcome. 


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