Part of Your World

The first friends I ever had were characters from books. My mother wouldn't play with me, or let me go to preschool, so I was very lonely until kindergarten. In the meantime, I had books. 

I started reading by kindergarten- partially out of necessity for my sanity, and partially because my dad, who worked 6 days a week, sat down and helped me along. Towards the end of kindergarten, I discovered The Baby-Sitters Club books and I was instantly hooked. 

By the time first grade came around, I was making weekly trips to the library to get as many new BSC books as I could carry. I also scored a Claudia doll, and I carried her around with me everywhere. I even brought her to play at recess on occasion. 

Logically, I outgrew most 80's and 90's trends, but I've never outgrown the Baby-Sitters Club. (I will also never end my relationship with scrunchies, body glitter,  or The Spice Girls, but that's another story.)

For my teen years, and the years leading up to my wedding, I got by as a babysitter. I liked to play sports with the kids like Kristy, or do art projects with them, like Claudia. 

Today, I find myself a 30 something adult with an army of pets and a husband and I still occasionally reach for a BSC book to sit down and unwind with. When the new BSC Netflix show came out, I dropped everything and binged it. I can neither confirm, nor deny, any crying that happened. 

I now own all of the Kenner dolls, the entire series of books- and all the spin-offs, all the VHS, some of the less popular barbie sized dolls, a poster, a sleeping bag, etc. The series is just pure joy and comfort to me. 

I think it's interesting that I'm basically still a babysitter, as I currently work as a nanny. Howver, I hope to become more like Ann M. Martin, rather than a perpetually 13 year old girl. I want to be a successful writer living in the city, living off the stories I create. I always hated that I was a Mallory and not a Stacey, but maybe Mallory really would have grown up to be an author. Maybe being Mal wasn't a curse, maybe it's my destiny.


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