Ted Lasso

A bit late to the game, my husband and I discovered Ted Lasso at the beginning of the summer. We figured it might be one of the rare shows we'd both enjoy because I'm a huge Jason Sudeikis fan, while he's obsessed with soccer. We were shocked by how incredibly good the show is and were both instantly hooked.

We easily finished binging the show over a few days. In fact, when episode 10 ended, I queued up episode 1 and settled back in.

The show has meant a lot to me, not just because it's funny and heartwarming, and because after each episode I feel like I've taken a Prozac for my whole body, but because each chapter leaves you feeling like you've just has ice cream with your best friend, after winning the lottery. The characters are serendipitous no matter what, lift each other up, or simply remind you to always, always belive in yourself. 

I am especially endeared to the show because the post-novel writing process had been pretty draining, disheartening, bleak, and lonely. I needed something happy and silly to lift my spirits, something that was available to me 24/7.

On days when I received a rejection, I pulled up Ted and could quickly remind myself to be a goldfish or to be joyous like Dani. 

Did I mention I hate soccer? I do. A lot. But it doesn't matter. The show about an elite soccer team could be about a chess team or a hockey team, the common ground for the characters could be anything, since the message is really about positivity and (non-toxic) self confidence. 

I've watched the first season four times through now and no matter what happens, I believe in believe.

You ARE a godsend, Ted Lasso.


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