
An agent I queried months ago, who rejected me months ago, sent me an email yesterday saying (I'm paraphrasing):

In case you missed my last email, you're rejected and I can't offer you representation. 

They then went on to state that this email was because they think they may have had some sort of computer glitch. Yeah, okay.

Funnily enough, the query process has been an excruciating procedure of putting all my hope and dream eggs into your inconsiderate basket, so belive it or not, I paid very close attention to any correspondence regarding queries. 

I honestly didn't think this process could get any worse, but here we are. 

In querying, a lot of agencies say they'll get back to you within X amount of time and if they don't, it's a no. It's pretty standard. I already received the rejection email, from an email address that was a "do not reply" and either way, we were way past the time frame. 

November happens to be national novel writing month and I was toying with picking up my other novel- a book I started writing about 2 months ago or so, but the thought of starting this process over again sounds like a hellish nightmare. I was in no way expecting overnight success or a miracle or anything ridiculous, but I also wasn't expecting such callousness or heartbreak either. 


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