"Okay, Deborah"
As I've mentioned many times on all my social media, I'm obsessed with Drag Queens. Some of my favorites are the legends Trixie and Katya. On their YouTube show, UNHhhh, they'll often say something like "Listen, Mary," or "Sure, Brenda." Other names they've used include Barbara, and of course, Deborah. The name use is a running gag and they'll use it in a funny and mocking way. Yesterday I called out, "OKAY, DEBORAH!" When I got cut-off in traffic. I forgot two small kids were in the car. "Who's Deborah?" "Do you know that woman in the car?" "Is her name Deborah? Howdya know?" "Is she your friend?" Oops. I started laughing, which lead to a chorus of, "What's funny? Is Deborah funny? Did she do something funny?" I laughed some more. I couldn't tell the kids that instead of my Deborah comment, I had wanted to yell, "WHAT THE FUCK, ASSHOLE!" I laughed some more bef...