Two Yellow Butterflies and a Fox

On a trip yesterday, at two different times, a pale yellow butterfly flew in front of the car. Much later, on the return trip, a fox (safely) crossed in front of the car. I don't believe in anything supernatural or the like, but I thought it could be fun to see if these three little events 'meant' anything symbolically. 

In regards to the butterflies, Spiritual Desk says,

"Butterflies are often associated with love and romance, and a pair of butterflies can signify a deep connection between two souls."

And says,

"When you see a yellow butterfly, it is a positive sign of hope and happiness for your life.

Yellow butterflies can also represent...someone with whom you feel a soul connection. You might have an immediate feeling like you’ve known this person your whole life. Indeed, you will likely feel comfortable with them right away. These types of soul connections are rare, but when you have one, it’s a profound and life-changing experience."

From, regarding having a fox cross your path,

"It’s good news if this happens.
The fox crossing your path is a good omen in many cultures as it is usually interpreted as a reminder of how capable you are, as well as a reminder to use these capabilities to better yourself.

...the fox crossing your path is one of the most powerful signs you could get that the power is already within you. When you can remember this – that you have everything you need within – you can create the life of your dreams using your innate skills and wisdom.

If you’re on the journey to creating a better life and trying to manifest new things, experiences, or people, then the fox crossing your path is telling you to act on all of the intuitive nudges given to you.

When opportunities arise, make sure that you grab hold of them with both hands and make the most of what’s presented to you. Following this, while the fox is a great symbol to see, especially when crossing your path, it could also be indicating that on this journey to manifesting your goals and dreams..."

It all may be fluff, hokum, or nothing at all, etc., but it's fun to think about. 


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