Hooded Eyes

I notice that he slouches sometimes. He only does it when he's nervous, and I don't believe he is aware of this tell. Normally, he stands tall and proud, though never in a domineering way. Rather, he has the posture of a man who is proud of what they've accomplished. Though his resume is impressive, he remains endlessly kind and effortlessly humble. 

He is the only man I have ever gushed over, and it surprises me that I can gush. I was the eternal man-hater, the one who insisted I would proudly be single forever. I was independent to a fault and loudly not looking.

When fate brought him to me, I knew in an instant that despite all my efforts, I was in love. I had called my best friend in a desperation that was equal parts 'What the fuck?' and 'Why is this happening?' When she was done laughing, I asked her what I was supposed to do now.

"Follow your heart!"

"But I didn't think I had one!"

That earned more laughs. 

Eventually, I discovered that I not only had a heart, but it now belonged entirely to this man. In time, we admitted our feelings and began a romance that I couldn't believe was happening. And in time, I found his heart belonged entirely to me.

As our dates turned into weekend getaways and our apartments turned into one condo, we became an inseparable pair of laughing, perpetually happy people who felt more fairy tale character than human.

When he puts his phone down, I leave my reminiscing and walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. This earns me a big smile and a warm bear hug.

"Everything okay, love?"

He leans back with a smile. 

"Oh, everything's fine. I just saw that the Bruins might trade their backup goalie to the Sharks. I feel bad, he's a local kid who's newly wed, and I can't imagine the change from east coast to west coast will be too easy on them."

I grin up at him, peering into large hooded eyes as he subconsciously straightens up. I love that he thinks of these things, that he cares so deeply that his feelings extend to strangers. 

He brushes my red hair off my shoulders and rests his hands in its place. I slide my hands to his collarbones and beckon him for a kiss, which he happily obliges. I stand on tiptoe and wrap my hands around his neck as he tightly embraces me, lifting me off the floor. 

As my feet find the tile again, I giggle. He kisses the top of my head and asks what I want for dinner.


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