When Game of Thrones was still on the air, I used to complain to one of my best friends about how frustrated I was that these TV writers dared to change any of the brilliant words George R. R. Martin put down on paper. I couldn't believe they could come along and change anything he' written! Didn't they know how much time and precision and life he had poured into the books? And I kept saying how impressive it was that George created this whole universe, these five books!   

As the show went on and the story seemed to get away from the writers, from all of us, really, it was frustrating! One of the things I complained about a lot to my best friend is that they couldn't change the storyline or these characters or this detail because George had meticulously woven everything together in such an incredible way, so how dare the show! I would get the response from my best friend-in a teasing way- oh, your precious George, and oh, if he were a better writer, he would have finished the books before the show and this and that. I always defended him to the death. Now that I have written one 300-plus page novel, I really have to say that I was right! I have been validated in my utter and extreme defense of George!

George wrote 5 novels, not to mention all of the other long and impressive books, stories, shows, etc., on his resume. But anyway, he wrote 5 novels that take place in this detailed universe with hundreds of characters and background stories and names and plots and subplots and he's been writing it for decades, and that's incredible! So, of course, it's terrible for some TV guys to try to change his work! 

As I look back on my last 18 months of trying to write ONE novel and still editing it and still working on it, I just have to say kudos to George, bevause this is exhausting AF. 

Anyway, may my journey be as blessed, may my writing be as good but maybe not as long, and may I have even a fraction of his success.

Happy writing!


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