Where is George?

Yesterday, my husband and I were brushing our cat's teeth. We do it per the instructions of our veterinarian, and get it done every Saturday morning. All 5 of our cats hate it, but we get it done quickly and efficiently. (Years ago, one of our cats, who had horrible teeth when we got him, needed $900 worth of dental surgery to fix his problems.) So, in the interest of not making our cats experience a dental surgery, we brush their teeth. 

Anyway, back to Saturday morning.  We brushed the teeth of our first 4 cats and couldn't find our 5th. Our house is exceedingly small, so we were a little confused because there's only so many places he could be.  

We searched every room, even looking in places we knew he wouldn't be able to fit. Couldnt find him. After a couple of hours, I told my husband I found the cat, he was sitting on the bed. Great, let's brush his teeth and leave him be. I go to grab my cat off the top of the bed and he scurries away and disappears in the bedroom, under the bed. I called my husband in to help and we both laid on the floor to reach George. However, we watched him disappear instead. 

As I lay down on the floor of my bedroom rug, I watched my little cat's paws disappear up into the box spring. Yes, I said into the box spring.

George apparently found a way to claw the fabric away from the wood and realized he could use it as a hide-y hole.

After maneuvering the mattress away, and the sheets and blankets, we gently turned the box spring up on its side so that I could climb in and 'rescue' my cat. 

Long story short, he got his teeth brushed and we repaired the hole. As always, there is never a dull moment when you have cats!


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