
She peered into 

The second story 

Gable window

At the tall boy

Penny pencil in hand

Bent over 

His words, his world

Gold rimmed glasses

Framed his 

Handsome face

As a dreamy smile

Was on his lips

He seemed to glow

Brighter than the afternoon

She longed to feel

To escape

Or create 

The way he did 

But what, she wondered,

Could he possibly need

To get away from

He lived in a lovely home

On a welcoming farm

With pleasant people

The kind mother who baked

The strong father who provided

Six brothers and sisters

His life seemed perfect

She sighed as she walked away

Time to return to where

She never wanted to be

Dust covering her feet

Ache hardening her heart

Sadness, grief for what wasn't  

Yearning to climb through that window


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