"wishin' and a-hopin'''

I participated in my first #pitmad on Twitter today!

It's sort of like speed dating, but for writers and literary agents. 

As always, I way overprepared. We needed 3 tweets re: our writing project, I had 7. I set alarms for my spaced out throughout the day tweets. I cross promoted on Facebook.

The event was great for networking and confidence boosts.We'll see if anything pans out. 

I've been trying to get a literary agent since mid June, I'm astounded that people query for years and years and years, this is exhausting! Props to those who never give up.

As a life long anxious person who struggles with self-esteem, this whole journey has been very out of my comfort zone. However, with each new foray into the unknown, I feel a little more confident. If nothing else. I'm going to keep trying. 


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