Favorite Theatre Experience

Writing prompt from Writers Group. I can't pick just one. Going to the theater is one of my all-time favorite things. I've been fortunate enough to see a lot of shows. Some of my favorite experiences are as follows;

Rent - Boston

Amazing performance. I had only seen the movie. I cried a lot, especially about Angel. I met Anthony Rapp after the show. He was genuine and friendly. 

The Book of Mormon - Boston

Crying I was laughing so hard. A spectacular show. An absolute triumph and once-in-a-lifetime kind of story/production. Completely fabulous and incredibly clever. 

Little Women - Concord 

Probably my happiest theater experience ever. Seeing my favorite book performed in the hometown of one of my favorite authors with my favorite person. Bliss. 

All The Way - NYC

A genuinely moving show. It takes place throughout LBJ's presidency and right at the heart of the civil rights movement—a gorgeous performance by all actors. I met Bryan Cranston before the show, and he was very charming and in a big rush. 

The Sound of Music - All over

My aunt and I are fanatical about this story. We've seen it in Boston, Gardner, Leominster, and I've seen it in London. 

I could go on and on...


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