
Isn't it strange to be happy all the time? To have the comfort of knowing that, for once, everything is right. Anxiety isn't as anxious; lonely commutes aren't as dreadful. When everything is right, everything is right. 

How foreign to feel as if the best of you is constantly being brought out, not even intentionally; it just happens. Smiles aren't being faked; they're genuine. The lie of telling yourself that you're fine has become the truth. In fact, your ions past fine and well into bliss. 

Wishes, dreams on paper, can come to life. Somehow, they can manifest into a reality you never thought was possible. But this doesn't seem possible. Everything that's ever been 'too good' before has crashed, burned, and ended. Happiness has been fleeting, if at all. 

The how of it all may never be answered. Wondering how you could possibly be so lucky may never be answered. You have only now, only everything you've ever wanted. Life has become awe, has become better than any story. Everything is in place. Everything is as it should be. 


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