Dainty Paws

She lies on top of the couch, in the groove she made. This diva, named for flowers. 

Staring out the window, she is wondering why she too isn't in the car. 

The face of 'how dare you' as little sister dog joins her and they snuggle up, butt to butt, looking out different windows.

Jumping up with a princess yelp, she launches into full-on barking. Another dog dares to walk in front of her house. 

As soon as it begins, her outrage stops, and she settles back in, sitting like a Sphynx. This would be surprising, but she lives with five cats and likes to emulate them.

With a sigh, she crosses her paws like a lady and places her head atop them. It is very hard, being a spoiled dog. 


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