
I was today years old when I learned from a researcher that Louisa May Alcott was a trans person. 

How fascinating! How wonderful! But also, why am I just learning this now!? And for that matter, how did I never pick up on that? 

I've been watching or reading LMA-related things since the second grade. I was never femme and worshipped LMA and Jo March. How. Did. I. Miss. This. 

Why is so much queer culture erased? How sad. How despicable. 

It's like how I only learned a few years ago that Emily Dickinson was a lesbian. I was not too fond of her poetry and didn't understand the whole romanticization of the hermit legend. And then it all made sense. I got it. I understood it. 

How many other authors and, for that matter, poets, artists, historical figures, true stories are hidden? 


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