RIP, Bob Saget

As a lonely kid who really only had the TV for companionship, I desperately wanted to jump into the Tanners home on Full House.

I wanted to be DJ, have a friend like Kimmy, and I wanted parents like Jesse and Danny. 

Danny Tanner was a dad who had all the answers and made his house warm and clean, and inviting. Sure he was goofy and nerdy, but he was so loving and caring. 

For years, I watched new episodes of Full House, then re-runs, and then bought all the DVDs so I could keep escaping. To this day, I still love the show and its characters. 

Hearing about Bob Saget's passing last night was just heartbreaking. I'm so sad he's gone, so sad for his wife and kids. It just doesn't feel right or possible. 

RIP, Bob Saget; thanks for the laughs and making a sanctuary for a kid to escape in. 


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