I Wrote a Novel!

 I did it!

More than 12 years after getting my B.A. in English, I finally did something with my degree. 

I. Wrote. A. Novel.

Starting around the second week of February 2021 or so, I started toying with an idea for a novel. That's happened to me a million times, but this time, I followed through and finished! Woo!

This is a big deal for me because when I graduated in 2009, this was in the aftermath of the economy totally collapsing. No one was hiring. Long sob story short, I gave up writing for about the next ten years. I took a break from my hiatus to heal and pen a memoir regarding abuse I suffered as a child, and then did no writing for another two years. 

While I am proud of my memoir, and proud that I faced my demons, my heart belongs to fiction, and I am thrilled that I am writing it again!

My debut novel, CYPSELAE, is a 95,000 word work of literary fiction. I am actively seeking representation and if I may be so candid, I am loving this writing journey for me!

Stay tuned for more!


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