
My novel took me four months to write, and practically took up my entire life, around the clock. I'd be driving and have to pull over to write down an idea. Or I'd grab a pen at a stop light and scribble something down. A couple times, I woke up and had to grab my phone so I could write. When the kids at work napped or had an activity, I pulled out my phone and started to write. (Yes, I wrote a 96,000 word novel on an android phone.)

There were many times when I wanted to take my phone and chuck it out the window or delete everything I had written. There were times when I thought I was the worst writer in the world, or thought, who the fuck am I to write a book? 

Throughout my novel writing journey, I had two main cheerleaders, and later a third, who inspired me to keep going, and they made all the difference. 

My godmother, Donna, was the first to know about my project. She's a financial queen/genius by day and a screenwriter and blogger by night. She always encouraged me to write- even during my 12 year hiatus. She asked one day in March if I was writing anything. Embarrassed, I confessed I was. She became my biggest support during my writing adventure. 

Cheerleader number two came in the form of my best friend for 19 years, Abby. She's a mom of (almost) five, and currently in the process of opening a non profit arts center. She made me believe in myself, my power, and my worth. 

My third cheerleader came in the form of my boss. He's the type of guy who knows everyone. And I do mean everyone.  He's practically a professional networking guru. I asked him if he knew anyone in publishing and he instantly gave me two names and some pointers. 

Paul McCartney sang about 'the long and winding road' and damn could that song have been about writing a novel. 


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