Why Not

I always struggle with what to put here since I have to save my best work to submit in case the entity insists on work that hasn't been published absolutely anywhere else. It's challenging to weed through my work due to self-esteem and confidence issues, but I guess any writer must sit and decide what's 'best.' Anyway, I've written a couple of short, silly, lighthearted poems about nanny life recently that I thought were somewhat cute. I didn't think either was my most extraordinary work, but I thought they were okay enough to share, and if nothing else, they were cheerful, and I thought they'd perhaps receive some small chuckles. This poem did not and rather bombed when I read it aloud. But, for the one (maybe two these days??) people and or bots who read this, enjoy. 

Nanny Runaround 

Arriving at work, the children yell
This day will be fun; I can tell

Why did I get an English degree
Would law have better suited me?

"We want to go to the library, the playground."
"And won't you please take us to the merry-go-round?"

"Let's go now; we don't want to stay."
So I remind, as I have every day,

"Clean your mess."

"Okay, okay, we'll do that now."
But they did not, I'll tell you how

First, the emptying of the shelves
Fingers flying like little elves

Then upstairs to tornado the toys
Dinos, dolls, and plastic cowboys 

"Can we go now?" Pleaded the two
"Well, what have I been asking you?

Clean your mess."

"Oh yes, yes, we're off to do it."
But they were only going to create more disorder; I knew it

The kids dashed off in the wrong direction
Then, spilled out trinkets and their dress-up collection

This back-and-forth went on til noon
At this pace, we won't leave till June

I felt myself growing surly
Then inquired the pair, "Can lunch be early?"

"Clean your mess."


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