NOT Meant With Malice

Meant with good-natured fun poking and genuine confusion. 

If it's good enough for poets and RRHOF artists, with multiple Grammys and incredible accolades, shouldn't it be good enough for me? I like what I like, fine, I'm good with that and not interested in pretending, but what in gods name am I not hearing? There has to be a joke I don't get, right? I've yet to find anyone who agrees with me. I'm used to being the only one regarding many things, but I find this so baffling. 

I don't understand; I'm feeling dumb 
Buy the candy, chew the gum 
None of these meanings are clear 
I'm your priestess 
You're my buccaneer 

Rock the boat? Couldn't rock a pogo stick 
Jumping and squeaking on pavement and brick
Grabbed my jacket and a beer
I'm your priestess 
You're my buccaneer 

What am I missing 
Lyrics quite pedestrian, so,
Doomed to be confused, I fear
I'm your priestess 
You're my buccaneer 

Billy laughed and did me dirty
Bruce and Bob followed suit
Who is looking, dear?
I'm your priestess 
You're my buccaneer

I'm your priestess 
You're my buccaneer 
I'm your priestess 
You're my buccaneer 
You're my buccaneer 


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